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adesso Turkey

adesso Turkey was established in Istanbul in 2013 as a fully owned subsidiary of the adesso Group, which started its activities in 1997, based in Germany. One of the leading information technology service providers in Europe, the adesso Group operates in 14 countries with more than 10,000 employees in many sectors, especially in finance, automotive, and energy. Acting as an effective project hub and regional talent center in the Turkish and European markets, adesso Turkey provides software development and IT consulting services to large companies and the start-up ecosystem. Efficiently implementing the remote working culture with its team of more than 500 experts in approximately 40 different provinces of Turkey, adesso Turkey implements industry best practices under the guidance of experienced technology leaders.

adesso Turkey stands out among the group companies as a talent hub focused on developing remote software projects for global and local markets by adopting the SmartShore business model. Thanks to its industry-specific know-how, high customer satisfaction, and exemplary approach to project delivery, adesso Turkey was ranked first in the “Bilişim 500 (Top 500 ICT Companies Turkey)” ranking of prestigious organizations in Turkey in the “Internationally Based Manufacturer/Manufacturer’s Representative” category for software development in 2020 and 2022.

Strengthened by global experience, adesso Turkey offers the highest quality of service in customized software development and management processes. adesso Turkey continues its mission to be a reliable stakeholder for IT projects and the industry with proven IT consultancy in many areas such as Cloud & DevOps, Kubernetes Enablement, Infrastructure Automation, Cloud Migration, and Mobile CI/CD.

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